Monday, January 2, 2023

Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023!

2022 was a fantastic year! Here is a sum of what happened: Professionally, I had three online articles published (in French Quarter Magazine, North Texas e-News & Texas Escapes Magazine), partook in two podcast interviews, presented research on the City of Coppell at a history conference, and my ebook on a photographic history of A&M-Commerce was published. In 2023, I plan to write a scholarly article on a history of Coppell ISD (the school district I currently work in - I am incredibly blessed to have a great job and surrounded by incredible veteran educators!). Personally, I proudly watched my wife graduate with her PhD in statistics from Rice University, we purchased our first house (and paid too much for it owing to the messy housing market in the 2022 summer, but we love it), and I officiated my best friends' wedding in Rockwall. Since I am a hard-working individual, I intend to continue giving back to my community and giving advice/inspiration to future generations of leaders in 2023. After a much-needed winter break (I did not work much on my laptop, to much surprise), I am ready to roll into the new year with an unlimited amount of enthusiasm for teaching, eagerness to learn from peers and scholars, and continue to fuel my passion for history!! It was a fun year (with minor challenges) and am tremendously excited for the next year!

Happy New Year! (I will continue to post on this blog regularly in 2023)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Chanin family (plus our cute pets)!! (author's collections)
I officiated my best friends' wedding in the 2022 fall in Rockwall. I have been an ordained minister since 2017. It was a windy day (and I had to shorten my speech) but I thoroughly enjoyed the event! Best wishes to Tyler & Maria - the happy couple!! (author's collections)
Besides traveling to Washington D.C. and Boston with my wife, one of my 2022 highlights was meeting Bill Brooke Webb, grandson of Sallie Brooke Capps. Mr. Webb praised the research I had done on Capps, a pioneer in women's education in Texas. It was great chatting to him about his family ancestry! I plan to write more Texas history in 2023. (author's collections)  
I am an avid fan of the British Royal Family and watched most of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee festivities on the TV in summer 2022. The Queen, my idol and an icon in British culture, celebrated 70 years on the throne- a feat no other British monarch has achieved. Unfortunately, she peacefully passed away in September. Despite her death, her eldest son, King Charles III (pictured here on her left) has done a bang-up job reuniting the country through a tough political transition. God save the King! (author's collections

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