Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Presidents - Simplified on Twitter (Part III)

In the third edition on the Twitter Presidents Series, the men who held the highest office in the latter-half of the nineteenth century had the difficult task of uniting the nation following a bloody crisis. The defeat of the Confederate states in April 1865 meant that bridging the once-frigid differences between the North and South fell on the shoulders of Lincoln's successors... and with little success. A racial hierarchy was established in the South after the Compromise of 1877, enforced by the Black Codes (renamed Jim Crow Laws) and the Ku Klux Klan. In failing to address discrimination as well as the growing political influence of industry titans, these seasoned officials are considered some of our weakest leaders and most served only one presidential term. Also, the nation came to grips with presidential violence as two of these men were assassinated (Lincoln and Garfield). During this age of economic growth, urban life, land expansion, and corporate greediness (historians suitably label this as the Gilded Age), the presidents oversaw a fairly-stable economy (integrated with few financial upsets) and a variety of domestic issues -- it would not be until the next crop of leaders in the next century when the United States began spreading its wings around the globe. All images are portraits found in the National Portrait Gallery in D.C., author's collections.

Abraham Lincoln-America’s favorite president. A humble lawyer from Illinois, Lincoln rose through the ranks, sparring against the great orator Stephen A. Douglas and winning the 1860 election with 1/3 support. Stressed & tired, Lincoln persevered through a war and won our hearts. (December 9, 2018)

A. Lincoln, 1861-1865 (face mask of Lincoln prior to his death in 1865, Ford's Theatre)

Andrew Johnson– Ridiculed by the public and lacking a formal education, Johnson surprisingly became president after Lincoln’s death. In his four years, Johnson implemented a new reconstruction plan which allowed segregation to flourish in the South. He would later be impeached. (December 10, 2018) 

A. Johnson, 1865-1869

Ulysses S. Grant– More remembered for his military career than his presidency. Grant failed in many areas of life except for when he was commanding in battle. Nicknamed ‘butcher of men’, Grant’s army won the Civil War w/ a cost. In the Oval Office, he succumbed to many scandals. (December 10, 2018) 

U.S. Grant, 1869-1877

Rutherford B. Hayes-A man who was elected by the Compromise of 1877. When Hayes defeated Samuel Tilden, the ex-Confederate states were free from the shackles of the U.S. military. Segregation ensured in the South, while Hayes insisted on keeping gold standard–a stable economy. (December 11, 2018) 

R. Hayes, 1877-1881

James A. Garfield– Initially a campaign speaker for the Republican Party at the 1880 National Convention, delegates suddenly chose Garfield as their candidate b/c of his superior oratory skill. In office, he energized presidential power. However, six months later, he was killed. (December 11, 2018) 

J. Garfield, 1881

Chester A. Arthur- In 1878, President Hayes fired Arthur as part of a plan to reform the federal patronage system. A few years later, Arthur was back at the White House & became president upon Garfield’s death. Arthur did little to help the nation’s unity, championing the Chinese Exclusion Act. (December 12, 2018) 

C. Arthur, 1881-1885

Grover Cleveland (1st term)– A lone blue Democrat in a pool of red Republicans. Cleveland, a former governor of New York, championed new businesses and opposed high tariffs, inflation, and imperialism. Amidst his progressive strides, Cleveland found love & married Frances Folsom. (December 13, 2018)

G. Cleveland, 1885-1889

Benjamin Harrison– Grandson of the 9th president & Indiana senator, Harrison brought growth to the nation, championing the arrival of six western states and creating the national forest reserves. Unfortunately, he was unable to enforce African American voting rights. (December 14, 2018)

B. Harrison, 1889-1893

Grover Cleveland (2nd term)– When Cleveland lost reelection to Harrison in 1889, his wife, Francis Folsom, told the White House staff the couple would be back in four years- it was true. Cleveland’s 2nd term was haunted by a national depression, resulting in a political change. (December 14, 2018)

G. Cleveland (again!!), 1893-1897

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Presidents - Simplified on Twitter (Part II)

Continuing with our Twitter Presidents Series, this next list of men held the highest office in the land at a time of expansion and growth, in population, land and the economy. During this period, the United States spanned from coast to coast, as many riskily traveled to California on the famous Oregon Trail in hopes to start a better life. Despite the United States acquiring glory and power through conquest and military victories, the landmass expansion sparked a presiding question: Should slavery be permitted in these new territories? Violence (and bloodshed!) erupted in Congress - members of the House Representatives and Senate bitterly argued on whether slavery ought to expand into the west or be confined to the South. Also, when popular sovereignty was a question, our nation's values of liberty, which the Founding Fathers had created, were in dire jeopardy. The seeds of political division were apparent as the once-united Democratic Party split, and the London-based Whigs and abolitionist-hugging Republican Party emerged. Our leaders (a majority of them were one-term presidents) stayed out of conflict, tried to unsuccessfully mediate peace by involving America in forgettable wars, and brushed the pressing slavery issue aside. Since they ignored the gravity of the tense situation and took little initiative to dissolve a mess that would later plunge the nation into a bloody civil war, these politicians would be ranked among the lowest presidents by scholars and historians. By the mid-1800s, when a young, bright-eyed Illinois lawyer was making waves in state politics, the idea of reunifying the nation using the spirit of compromise was a lost cause... All images are official presidential portraits found in the National Portrait Gallery in D.C., author's collections.

Andrew Jackson– ‘The People’s President,’ hero of War of 1812, and political devil. A patriot, Jackson opened the White House to the people (supplying them with cheese & wine). However, enemies were made, as he vetoed the bank, forced Natives off lands, and threatened SC w/ force. (December 3, 2018)

A. Jackson, 1829-1837

Martin Van Buren– 8th President & founder of Democratic Party. Although he learned English as a second language (he was from Dutch ancestry), Van Buren catapulted into political power as Gov. of NY & Jackson’s key adviser. His presidency was wrecked by the economy (1837 Panic). (December 4, 2018)

M. Van Buren, 1837-1841

William Henry Harrison– A military officer from the Battle of Tippecanoe turned politician. After easily defeating Van Buren in 1841, Harrison showed his strength by delivering a long inaugural address in the rain…. 31 days later, though treated w/ opium & leeches, he was dead. (December 4, 2018)

W.H. Harrison, 1841

John Tyler– the ‘Accidental President.’ April 1841- the nation faces a constitutional crisis: who would succeed the late WH Harrison as President? Should it be the VP? Although Tyler takes control, he vetoes many Whig bills & loses his party’s support. TX is added before he leaves. (December 5, 2018)

J. Tyler, 1841-1845

James K. Polk– 11th President, a protégé of A. Jackson, and a staunch expansionist. Although Polk had served as House Speaker & Gov. of Tennessee, he was the dark horse in the 1844 election. Once president, he won the Mexican-American War & negotiated the Oregon Country (1846). (December 5, 2018)

J. Polk, 1845-1849

Zachary Taylor– ‘Old Rough and Ready,’ our 12th President who preferred the battlefield than the White House. Taylor served in the U.S. Army during War of 1812, the Second Seminole War, & Mexican-American War. Slavery was questioned, yet his time in office was soon cut short. (December 6, 2018)

Z. Taylor, 1849-1850

Millard Fillmore-a New York statesman who took over the Oval Office upon the death of Taylor. Ignored by his predecessor, Fillmore liked change –he dismissed Taylor’s cabinet and altered the administration’s policies. He is best remembered for championing the Compromise of 1850. (December 7, 2018)

M. Fillmore, 1850-1853

Franklin Pierce– 14th President, a northern Democrat who saw the abolitionist movement as a threat to unity and a leader who further divided the nation. The president alienated himself from his party & northerners, signing the Kansas-Nebraska Act & enforcing Fugitive Slave Laws. (December 8, 2018)

F. Pierce, 1853-1857

James Buchanan-considered by many as America’s worst presidents. Buchanan had political knowledge as a lawyer, congressman, senator, and secretary of state. However, in office, he allowed American unity to dissolve, endorsing the Dred Scott case & failed to address slavery. (December 8, 2018)

J. Buchanan, 1857-1861

Friday, April 22, 2022

The Presidents - Simplified on Twitter (Part I)

In 2018/2019, I tweeted short stories of the 46 presidents on Twitter, using only 280 characters. This mini project was exciting yet had challenges since it was often difficult to decide what should be put in the tweets. As a historian who studies the past, I have approached each president with a neutral stance, neither positive nor negative, just factual. For each president, I have attempted to highlight at least one accomplishment and one event that happened during their time in office, as well as examine the legacy they left behind in the history books. The tweets are accompanied by the presidents' official portraits, found in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C. (I had the opportunity to photograph all the portraits when I visited D.C. in March). The tweets are found on my Twitter (@joshuavchanin), and it is my hope that teachers and students use these short stories to become familiar with the personalities that have inhabited the White House. I will be splitting the vignettes into chapters, starting with a crew of inaugural office-holders who came from powerful backgrounds, created historic precedents with a hint of aristocracy, and led the country through its early days after the American Revolution.

‘The Presidents- Simplified on Twitter

George Washington– Our nation’s savior, Founding Father, and first president. In 2 terms, he established the first cabinet, restored faith in government, and kept the young nation out of other wars. A strong & collected leader, his love for the military can never be overshadowed. (November 28, 2018)

G. Washington, 1789-1797

John Adams– first vice-president, second president, and a fine diplomat. Before the Revolution, he defended the honor of the Boston Massacre British soldiers. After the war, he negotiated a peace treaty with Britain’s George III. And when president, he kept the peace with France. (November 29, 2018)

J. Adams, 1797-1801

Thomas Jefferson– Man of many accomplishments: 3rd president, writer of the Declaration of Independence, and founder of the Uni of Virginia. He took patriotism to new heights, expanding state gov. control and landmass of the U.S. (LA Purchase). And let’s not forget his philosophy... (November 30, 2018) 

T. Jefferson, 1801-1809

James Madison– 4th president and the ‘Father of the Constitution.’ As a persuasive writer, he was author of the Articles of Confederation and The Federalist Papers. Although short in height, Madison’s ambitions were bold, as he strengthened the military (1812) & national bank. (December 1, 2018)

J. Madison, 1809-1817

James Monroe– Revolutionary veteran, expansionist, and 5th president. He ushered in Era of Good Feelings, faced little opposition, and enjoyed peace in Congress. Monroe was a successful diplomat, with success on coast to coast control (1818 Oregon). Monroe also supported free slaves. (December 2, 2018) 

J. Monroe, 1817-1825

John Quincy Adams– 6th president, Monroe’s secretary of state, MA Senator and minister to Russia & Netherlands. The most qualified man to be president, however, he is overshadowed by his successor, A Jackson. After a controversial 1824 election, Adams floundered w/ party support. (December 3, 2018)

J.Q. Adams, 1825-1829

Book Review: "The White House" by Judith St. George

I recently re-read a brief popular history book on the White House. The White House: Cornerstone Of A Nation by Judith St. George illustrates the history of America’s executive mansion, a home that has been the office and residence of 45 men in America’s past (46 presidents in 'number' total since Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms). The book, a detailed but brief narrative, was captivating and got the job done. Despite no academic scholarship in this piece, though it was nice to read for fun again (graduate training while completing my history MA prevented me from appreciating the joys of reading for fun). Most of the book review below was published in my first blog in 2019.

The White House: Cornerstone Of A Nation by Judith St. George provides an excellent, meticulously-crafted survey of America's famous residence. Picture from Rare Book Sellers.

It is interesting to read how each President left a mark at the White House, whether that footprint was a positive or negative one. Some, most notably Harry Truman and Teddy Roosevelt, called for extensions on to the mansion. Others, like Calvin Coolidge, despised the place, once gloomily joking with a friend that ‘nobody [lives there]… they just come and go.” The roots of the White House story began after the American Revolution, when the Founding Fathers bickered over where the nation’s capital would be– New York City & Philadelphia seemed like obvious choices as these metropolises were the largest cities in the new nation. George Washington, our first President and a beloved general from the war, chose a small plot of land in Maryland and Virginia, on the Potomac River. Andrew Ellicott and Frenchman Pierre Charles L’Enfant (who I have researched and written about for French Quarter Magazine) were assigned to survey the swampy land and plan a capital city. James Hoban, an Irish architect, was hired to design a house for the president (Washington admired Hoban's plans and also used L’Enfant’s street drawings for D.C.'s final design). Hoban created a two-story mansion– the biggest in America at that time– with Roman-styled columns and large state windows. The final cost for the house was around $300,000. The construction of the thirty-six room residence, which began in the mid-1790s, would be stalled until the last months of 1800– due to stone and slave labor shortages– and John Adams, our second president, would be the first chief to move into the house. Adams, including his wife, truly disliked the residence, as most of the interior was unfinished (there was no running water or plumbing, the toilet was outside, and the paint was still wet– yes, Abigail Adams did hang her laundry in the East Room as the winds blew in the open window panels). The first edition of the White House, which was mocked at by the international community, would not see most of the nineteenth century since British soldiers marched into Washington D.C. in 1814 and burned the residence, along with other buildings in the capital (insert the famous Dolley Madison moment where the First Lady saved the famous portrait of Washington). The White House was rebuilt and breathed new life during the ‘Era of Good Feelings,’ where James Monroe, the fifth man to hold office, brought expensive furniture items over from France to furnish the dreary-looking residence. During the rest of the century, presidents entered and exited the doors, and the White House had little exterior additions yet a variety of interior changes.

When the British burned down the White House in August 1814 (during the War of 1812), government officials and President James Madison vowed to rebuild. This sketch shows the residence's exterior structure still intact yet its interior was charred. Picture from Library of Congress.

At the turn of the twentieth century, Teddy Roosevelt, issued plans to install a new executive wing (aka ‘the West Wing’), as he needed to move the president’s office away from the family quarters because his large family needed more bedrooms. It was during this time when the name ‘White House’ stuck with the public. Woodrow Wilson and his two wives (Ellen & Edith) ensured the residence played a key role in rationing/impacting the tide of World War I in 1918, and sheep and cattle were allowed to graze on the house’s grounds. Another extensive remodeling session happened during the presidency of Harry S. Truman in the early 1950s - the interior of the residence was gutted and replaced with stronger beams (the famous story of Truman’s daughter’s piano falling through the ceiling during the President’s cocktail party is true). Though the house had been neglected over the years, Truman set a precedent for all First Families to follow: looking after America’s treasure. Jackie Kennedy, the young wife of JFK introduced the White House to the public; she arranged a tour of the interior to be seen on TV. The White House would open up for public tours soon after, although security was beefed up during the Reagan presidency in the 1980s. Today, the White House continues to change with each President and their family. New staffs occupy the offices that once were homes to former leaders of the free world, while technology is embraced in the antiqued mansion, and First Families get to decorate the family quarters to their desire. As the author clearly points out in his introduction, although the White House is the home and office of our president, it is the symbol and home of the American people.

Jackie Kennedy, the beautiful wife of President John F. Kennedy, opened the White House doors by giving a tour of the residence on television in February 1962. The broadcast was seen by over 80 million viewers in 50 countries. Mrs. Kennedy also re-designed the Rose Garden, which is today used for ceremonies and press conferences. Photograph from Library of Congress.

This was a very interesting read! I enjoyed the unusual, unheard facts in this book. Who knew that the White House staff had to get the precise temperature for British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s evening bath during his state visits in World War II, or otherwise he would have an angry fit at FDR's employees?! Additionally, it is worth noting that the author examines the moods exhibited in a variety of presidential administrations when our leaders are assassinated, die from heart attacks or illnesses, or resign. The book reflects on the good times America has had, as well as the bad times. Judith St. George does an excellent job at painting a patriotic landscape of America’s home. I would recommend this short book 'The White House: Cornerstone Of A Nation' to scholars and history lovers who wish to read a compact survey of America's famous residence.

The White House faced its biggest renovation in its history during the presidency of Harry S. Truman (early 1950s). The interior support beams were removed and replaced with stronger ceiling boards. A underground shelter was built in case the Soviet Union attempted to attack the United States with nuclear weapons (this was during the start of the Cold War). Truman and his family lived in the Blair House across the street during the renovation/remodeling. Photograph from PBS Learning Media.

St. George, Judith. The White House: Cornerstone Of A Nation. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, Spring 1990. **Author received this edition of the book as a Christmas present in 2019.

The Blair House is located across the street from the White House. This residence was the home of Harry S. Truman's family during the White House renovations in the early 1950s. Today, the residence is used by foreign dignitaries and guests of the president. It appeared that an Irish politician or ambassador was in D.C. when my wife and I were there. Photograph from author's collections.
I did not get to see President Joe Biden when I walked past the White House in March, but I did get to witness the changing of the Marine sentries at the West Wing door! Photograph from author's collections.
I visited Washington D.C. in March with my wife and thoroughly immersed myself in the amazing history and culture of the United States. My wife took this fantastic photograph. I am looking at the Capitol Building in awe (a powerful, symbolic moment for me since I was recently sworn in as an American citizen!). Photograph from author's collections.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Resources

May 2022 is Asian American/Pacific Islander Month. Since 1992 (Congress passed Public Law 102-450 and President Bill Clinton later signed the bill), Americans have celebrated the many contributions and achievements of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States in May. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the first Japanese groups to immigrate to the U.S.A. on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of those who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. A rather broad term, Asian/Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas, Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island). My dedicated social studies department head at Coppell High, Diane de Waal, asked if I could compile a list of resources our teachers could use in their classes to discuss the importance of APA Heritage Month in May. This timing of this celebratory month and resources pages is appropriate since I have recently finished talking about Asian Americans during WWII (for example, Japanese-Americans were forced to live at isolated internment camps in the Southwest because others believed that they were spies). I have shared those resources below.

Over 15,000 Chinese male immigrants were employed by the Central Pacific Railroad Co. to build the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860s. Many had lived in California during the 1850s Gold Rush. Despite their dedication to building the railroad, the Chinese in America faced racial discrimination and often were tasked to complete the dangerous jobs (including putting active dynamite in caves). Historians estimate that 2,000 men lost their lives while building the railroad (most were Chinese Americans). Photograph from the Smithsonian

Introductory Videos:

Belonging in America (Video) - Susie Kim, a NYC Corps teacher, shares her experiences about living and working in the United States as an Asian American.

A People's History of Asian America (PBS Video) - exploring pros and cons of separating 'Asian American' as a statistical category.

APA Heritage Month on Tik Tok (Video) - discover how Tik Tok, the world's fastest growing social media app, is celebrating this month.

Federal Asian Pacific American Council Press Release - press release notifying public of this years theme, "advancing leaders through collaboration."


This years theme is "Advancing Leaders Through Collaboration" (Asian/Pacific American citizens working together in Congress and leadership role to better the USA).

Kamala Harris Biography (Article) - Harris, an African American of Asian-American descent, became our nation's first woman vice president in January 2021. She was sworn in with Joe Biden, our 46th president. This is a brief biography of Harris breaking glass ceilings as the first African American woman as California's attorney general as well as the second African American elected to the senate.

Saving Native Languages (Article) - William Wilson, a professor at the University of Hawaii Hilo, has recently collaborated with Hawaii's Congressional delegation to establish a new Language Resource Center in hopes of preserving Hawaiian languages.

Kurt Chew-Een Lee (Article & Interview) - Lee was the first Asian American United States Marine Corps officer. During a distinguished military career, Lee collaborated with his comrades and superiors during the Battle of Inchon, a decisive victory for the US and UN during thee Korean War (1950-1953). Lee would later be awarded the Navy Cross for his valor.

Meet Elaine L. Chao (Article) - Chao, a native of Taiwan who immigrated to the US when she was 8 years old, was the first Asian American woman to serve in a president's cabinet when she was appointed Secretary of Labor (2001-2009) by George W. Bush. Chao would later again serve in the cabinet as Secretary of Transportation (2017-2021) during the presidency of Donald Trump. Chao is married to current Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

National Archives - Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (more info)

Asian Americans have contributed to our nation's rich history in many ways. During the 1850s Gold Rush, immigrants from Asia flocked to the West Coast, settling in areas such as San Francisco. Today, the ChinaTown in San Francisco is a gorgeous, culturally-spirited sector that embraces Asian-American heritage. Photograph by CNN Traveler.

**Consider starting your classes in May by having students read the articles/watch videos on the contributions Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have had on the history and culture of thee United States. You may follow-up with tasking your students to further research pioneering profiles or generate further open-ended discussions in small or large groups:

    - To what extent have Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders contributed to the vibrant history and culture of the United States?

    - How did Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders use their professional roles in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as opportunities for societal advancement?

    - Why is it important for us to continue to study Asian American/Pacific Islander history and culture?

The APA theme for 2022 is "Advancing Leaders Through Collaboration." USDA Site.